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Detangling Hair Brush


Detangle Thick curly hair without pain or breakage

It can detangle any hair type without issues! You can simply apply your favorite conditioner or wet your hair to easily glide through the curls and detangle.

Detangle Super Fast

Whether it is your wash day or a quick touchup before you leave home. It will make it a breeze as it cuts down the time in more than half. So, you don’t have to hold off on wash days and look tangle and knot-free in confidence each and every day.

Skip The Pain

Make it your own personal miracle worker! It’s perfect for our tender-headed queens and their babies. Mammas out there love it. No tears on the Wash Days.

Your kids will start combing their own hair! 👇🏾

Lose Less Hair 💇🏾‍♀️

Our Patented flexible bristles are designed to evenly distribute pressure while brushing to minimize pulling and snags resulting in less shedding! Get professional styling every time at home with, so you can step out in confidence.


Works on ALL Hair Textures

Join our 200,000+ Happy Customers!! with different curl patterns. There is a reason all our Salon partners across the states recommend it to their clients.



Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Will this work for my hair type?
A: It will detangle any and all hair types. From super thick kinky hair to straight hair and any hair type in between!

Q: Will this pull on my hair?
A: No, our patented flexible bristle design gently removes knots without pulling on your hair or cause pain.

Q: Will it remove my curls?
A: No, it will actually add definition and leave you with more bouncy and defined curls.

Q: Is it Child Friendly?
A: Yes, wash days will be a breeze! Your little ones will love it so much that they will start combing their own hair!

Q: How long does it take to detangle?
A: Throughout our own testing and from thousands of reviews from our customers, we can confidently say the average detangling time is about 8-10 minutes for tight curls and 4-7 minutes for straight and wavy hair.


How To Use?


  • Wet your hair with water, you can use conditioner.
  • Section hair and begin detangling from the ends working your way up to the roots. Let the separated bristles glide through your curls and detangle.
  • Brush hair while holding it in a vertical position
  • Then flip and brush again while holding it in a horizontal position


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